Waxing Treatment
Hair growth must be a minimum of ¼ inch to receive waxing. Please inform the spa therapist if you are taking Retin-A, stop at least six weeks prior to waxing; if you are taking Accutane, stop six months before waxing.
- Eyebrow Shaping - $25
- Eyebrow Cleaning - $18
- Upper Lip - $15
- Upper Lip & Eyebrow Cleaning - $28
- Chin - $18
- Chest - $40
- Under Arm - $28
- Half Arm - $28
- Full Arm - $40
- Lower Leg - $38
- Full Leg - $70
- Bikini - $35
- Back - $48
- Back & Shoulders - $55
- Abdomen - $18 (plus)
- Initial Brazilian Wax - $68
- Brazilian (every 4 weeks) - $55
**Prices are subject to changes without notice.